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New Year - ease into it!

Barry Bracken • January 10, 2024

Those pesky New Years Resolutions!

Welcome to 2024 - a new year and a new start. Resolutions are made, change is in the air and we make lots of promises to change.... and then we break them! I've often wondered why we use one of the longest feeling, coldest and gloomiest months to give up all our bad habits and take up new ones? Putting pressure on ourselves to exercise more, to eat and drink less and to become the idealised versions of ourselves. Is it any wonder that after a few weeks of torturing ourselves or resolve breaks and we revert back to our old ways? Change is great but it's also difficult so how can we do it? Starting small and getting an early win is a good way - so maybe just try one new thing and when that has been achieved check if you are ready to try more. Slow and steady is the best way to change and if you slip back it's ok - just start again. We can all change to better ourselves; just remember that there is a lot of goodness in ourselves that deserves to be recognised too. Perfection would be very boring!

If talking about change is something you would like to do or if I can help in any way please contact me.



Who is counselling helpful for?

In short; counselling can be beneficial for everyone. Think of it as a safe window in your week where you are in control of what happens. For some people it is a space to vent frustration to an impartial and sympathetic person who will not judge them. For others it it can be a space to explore areas of their lives that they are unhappy with and want to change. Counsellors can help provide the correct atmosphere and tools to bring about these changes. For people affected by trauma, addiction, depression or anxiety it can be a refuge where they can find out the source of their difficulties and develop techniques to help them live more fulfilling lives.

Contact Barry Bracken Counselling to see what counselling can provide for you.

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